Embodied Yoga

Embodied Yoga is a practice where your universe is at the center. With care and through your body in motion, you will immerse yourself in your sensations and allow them to exist. A listening practice so that each adjustment brings you closer to your own integrity.

“Owning your sensations is where embodiment begin” Julie Martin

Embodied Yoga is a sensory exploration through postures and meditation through movement. Inspired by vinyasa yoga, this practice is based on the sequence and repetition of postures, in order to balance force and flexibility.

A fluid practice that will gradually allow you to open and hydrate the parts of your body, find mobility, develop consciousness of your whole body and its internal balance to meet you.

This course is intended for beginners as well as already practicing people.

“Through practice the invisible becomes visible”

“Do not necessarily look for an exact form to accomplish but rather what you have access to”
 Check the planning !